domingo, 27 de junho de 2010

Brasil resiste acordo sobre cortes dos gastos do G 20

"... Group of 20 leaders are poised to endorse targets to tackle deficits while giving nations flexibility on when to start balancing their books, according to officials with knowledge of drafts of the final statement.
Leaders will agree today on the need to cut deficits, while urging countries with the most precarious fiscal positions to accelerate their plans, according to the officials who declined to be identified by name because a final version of the statement hasn’t been completed...
The draft of the statement includes targets championed by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for countries to halve deficits by 2013 and start to stabilize their debt-to-output ratios by 2016, the officials said. Some countries, such as Brazil, are resisting the inclusion of those specific deadlines.
Leia mais sobre o G 20 encontro em Toronto 

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