sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

Taxa de desemprego Estados Unidos

Taxa de desemprego dos Estados Unidos 1994-2009 seguinte três diferentes tipos de medidas. Vermelho: estatística oficial; gris: ampliada; azul: a estatística calculada com a metodologia antiga.
Quem conta como "desempregado"? Quem incluir ou excluir? Como acerter as pessoas que caem em qualquer categoria?
Craig Roberts explica: "The unemployment rate, as reported, is a fiction and has been since the Clinton administration.  The unemployment rate does not include jobless Americans who have been unemployed for more than a year and have given up on finding work. The reported 10% unemployment rate is understated by the millions of Americans who are suffering long-term unemployment and are no longer counted as unemployed. As each month passes, unemployed Americans drop off the unemployment role due to nothing except the passing of time..." Fonte

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